State Of The Art Operation Theatre
Bharti ENT Care Hospital has a robust ENT surgery unit, The Operation theatre is equipped with an LED OT light, a good quality OT table, a diathermy machine, an anesthesia workstation, a multipara monitor, and well-trained nursing and paramedic staff. various operative procedures are performed including Skull Base Surgeries, Microear Surgeries, Cochlear Implant Surgery, and Endoscopic ENT Surgeries. The Operation theatre is fully geared with all state-of-the-art equipment for the safe conduct of these challenging procedures. This theatre is equipped with the Karl Storz Endoscopic high definition camera system for performing Endoscopic ENT Surgeries, Karl Zeiss Operating Microscope, Microdebridder, and Skitter Drill for Cochlear Implant Surgeries.
- Well Equipped Operation Theatre
- Post Operative Recovery Room
- Karl Zeiss Operating Microscope
- Image 1 HD Camera System
- NIM 3.0 Nerve Monitoring Systems
- IPC and XPS Medtronics Microdebrider
- Skitter Drill
- Coblator for Painless and Precise Tonsil Surgery
- Anesthesia Workstation with Circle Absorber, Monitors for recording BP, Pulse, Saturation of O2, ECG
- Karl Storz Endoscopes with Camera and two Xenon Light Sources for Endoscopic Nasal and Skull base Surgery

The Department of Audiology at Bharti ENT Care Hospital is one of the well-equipped departments of its kind. It has a specially sound-treated cabin with automated audiometry for Pure Tone & Special Tests, Impedance Audiometry, Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry, and Oto Acoustic Emission (OAE). The speech laboratory includes Diagnostic Software for Delivering Speech Therapy. The department also conducts periodic examinations of people working in noisy areas to asses and screen for noise Induced Hearing loss and monitors noise at the workplace. Also, all newborns are screened to detect hearing loss at birth.

Ultramodern OPD
Bharti ENT Care Hospital runs a comprehensive range of ultramodern OPD centers at Vadodara and Halol for adults and the pediatric population. The department caters to all ENT and Head & Neck Related Health Problems. The OPDs are equipped with state-of-the-art ENT equipment. All ENT-related emergencies are managed at Vadodara OPD centre 24*7. OPD also runs specialist clinics.
- Vertigo Clinic
- Allergy Clinic
- Voice and Speech Clinic
- Hearing Assessment and Hearing Aid Clinic
- Paediatric (Children's) Hearing Assessment Clinic

In House Pharmacy
Our pharmacy is a vital and integral part of our practice. It provides convenience, and the right medications for our patients – all at a competitive price.