Preserving Voices, Restoring Lives: Your Guide to Voice and Throat Surgery


The surgical removal of tonsils is called Tonsillectomy. Tonsils are located in the back of the throat and are a part of our immune system that defends the body from infections. Tonsillectomy is usually performed on children.

Tonsillectomy is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. In the most common method, the surgeon removes tonsils using a scalpel. Other Tonsillectomy methods include using coblation, radiofrequency ablation, or CO2 laser to remove tonsils. A Tonsillectomy has no adverse effect on the body’s immunity.

We at Bharti ENT Care Hospital use coblation (Plasma Technology) under high-definition Endoscopic Guidance for Painless and Bloodless removal of Tonsils and Adenoids. Coblation Tonsillectomy is a new advanced surgical technique to quickly and safely remove tonsils. Because traditional procedures, other than cold steel, use high levels of heat to remove the tonsils, damage to surrounding healthy tissue is common which results in severe pain. In combination with Technology, there is Significantly less postoperative pain compared to the traditional method and the patient returns to normal diet and daily activity more quickly.


Adenoids are lumps of lymphoid tissue located high behind the nose. These are not visible from the outside. Enlarged adenoids can obstruct the nasal airway and need to be taken out.

An Adenoidectomy is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. We at Bharti Ent Care Hospital use powered instruments (Microdebrider) and Coblation through the mouth to completely remove the adenoids. Nasal endoscopic assistance may also be taken by the surgeon to confirm that the adenoids have indeed been removed completely.

Microlaryngeal Surgery (Vocal Cord Surgery)

We commonly encounter patients with hoarseness of voice, vocal cord palsy, and vocal nodules in our routine ENT practices. We have Karl Stortz MLS set for Highly Precise Microlaryngeal Surgery. Micro Laryngeal Surgery is a process that helps in the correction of the voice disorder or problem in the larynx.

In a Microlaryngeal Surgery procedure, the vocal folds in the throat are observed in greater detail with magnification enabled by a microscope endoscope, or video enlargement. Microlaryngeal Surgery is often accompanied by an additional procedure such as the removal of a cyst, polyp, swelling, or tumor that can be done either through using delicate instruments. A Microlaryngeal Surgery usually takes 30-45 min. and is performed under general anesthesia.

Frequently asked questions

Get answers to common questions about voice and throat surgery, covering procedures, risks, and recovery.

The healing time after vocal cord surgery varies based on factors like the type of surgery, overall health, and postoperative care. Some surgeries may require a recovery period of 6 months or more.

Vocal cord surgery is typically not intensely painful, with experiences varying among individuals and procedures. Common discomforts include mild to moderate throat pain, speaking discomfort, and swallowing difficulty, which can be managed with pain relievers.

Vocal cord surgery is generally safe but carries risks that vary depending on the type of surgery and underlying condition. While individual outcomes differ, the benefits often outweigh the risks, especially in cases of chronic voice issues or malignant conditions.